The most the increase of tourists from China that year
The most the increase of tourists from China that year
In January and February fjöldaði chinese tourists in Iceland about 2.444 between years and was there the greatest increase in ferðamannahópi by nationality. The increase amounted to 16,2% between the years but at the same time decreased the number of tourists to Iceland 6.4%, according to the counting of the tourist board and Isavia about the departures of foreign passengers from the country about the Weather.
The chinese are the third largest ferðamannahópurinn in the united states that year, after the Americans and the British. Tourists from both these countries decreased, however, in January and February, the Americans about 15.3% and the British about 8,8%.
In the first two months of the year came 17.557 tourists from China to Iceland, but at the same time the arrival of 13.534 tourists from Germany. After that came France with 12.201 tourist. Significant fluctuations are as a rule in the trips of the Germans and the French over the year, but these groups come to this country mostly over the summer months. Chinese tourists are spread, however, better over the year, in which about half of them visit the Usa, as a rule during the period October to April.
On síðastliðinu year came about 89.500 tourists to Iceland from China. Price comparable increase of tourists from China this year and has been in the first two months árins, it can be estimated that the masses are somewhat over 100 thousand already this year.