The chinese the third most numerous in January

Departures of foreign passengers from the country about the Weather, there were 139 thousand in the recent January or about 8,500 fewer than in January the year 2018, according to the counting of the tourist board and Isavia. The reduction between years amounts to 5,8%.

The british and the Americans were most numerous in January or 46,2% of departures. In both groups was about the reduction in the number case year on year. The british decreased by 8.6% and the united states of 11,9%.

Chinese people increased by almost one-fifth of the

Of unique nationalities were the most departures in the January year but due to the British and Americans, as mentioned earlier. The british were the most numerous, about 34.700 total, and bottfarir Americans came there after but they were detected on 29.500. In total, there were departures of these two groups of 46,2% of the heildarbrottförum.

The chinese were the third most numerous in January last but the departures were 7.700 total, or 4,8% of the whole, and they increased by 18,4% between years. Departures Germans were in fourth place, about 6.600 total, or 4,8% of the whole, and the number of them at the same time or by 7.7% yoy.

After then follow the departures of the French, which were 3.9% of the whole; Poles, 3,8% of the total; Australia and New-Zealanders, 2,6% of the whole; Canadian, 2.5% of the whole; the Spaniards, 2,1% of the whole and Dana of 2.0% of the whole.

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